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Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science: The Form of Information in Science (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science: The Form of Information in Science (Hardcover)
Product Description

DOES DISCOURSE HAVE A STRUCTURE ? HARRIS S REVOLUTION IN LINGUISTICS As a freshman back in 1947 I discovered that within the various academic divisions and subdivisions of the University of Pennsylvania there existed a something (it was not a Department but a piece of the Anthropology Department) called Linguistic Analysis . I was an untalented but enthusiastic student of Greek and a slightly more talented student of German as well as the son of a translator so the idea of Linguistic Analysis attracted me sight unseen and I signed up for a course. It turned out that Linguistic Analysis was essentially a graduate program - I and another undergraduate called Noam Chomsky were the only two undergraduates who took courses in Linguistic Analysis - and also that it was essentially a one-man show: a professor named Zellig Harris taught all the courses with the aid of graduate Teaching Fellows (and possibly - I am not sure - one Assistant Professor). The technicalities of Linguistic Analysis were formidable and I never did master them all. But the powerful intellect and personality of Zellig Harris drew me like a lodestone and although I majored in Philosophy I took every course there was to take in Linguistic Analysis from then until my gradua- tion. What Linguistics was like before Zellig Harris is something not many people care to remember today.

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