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The Life and Death of Captain Marvel (Paperback) by Jim Starlin

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Product Name
The Life and Death of Captain Marvel (Paperback) by Jim Starlin
Product Description

9780785108375. New condition. Trade paperback. Language: English. Pages: 304. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 304 p. Contains: Illustrations. The legendary cosmic warrior called Captain Marvel was an agent of the alien Kree humanoid beings who commanded a galaxy-spanning empire. While stationed on Earth Mar-Vell s sympathy for the planet s people caused him to disobey a direct order. His punishment: death! Escaping execution Mar-Veil found himself stranded in the Negative Zone an anti-matter universe existing alongside Earth. There he telepathically contacted Rick Jones -- previously a companion of the Incredible Hulk the most powerful man-like creature ever to walk the Earth and Captain America star-spangled Sentinel of Liberty. Mar-Vell instructed the teenager to don a pair of extraterrestrial bracelets -- and when Rick slammed the golden Nega-Bands together with all his might his atoms traded places with those of the exiled Kree. The hero materialized on Earth while Rick was surrounded by a protective aura that allowed him to survive in the Negative Zone. Captain Marvel wielded his cosmic powers in defense of the galaxy ... and Earth his adopted homeworld. But after many an awesome adventure and countless victories Mar-Vell s exposure to a carcinogenic nerve gas took its toll. Ultimately he succumbed to the one enemy he proved unable to defeat: an incurable systemic cancer. Mar-Vell died not on the field of battle but on a sickbed -- surrounded by an awesome assemblage of adventurers gathered to pay tribute to the legacy of their fallen friend!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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