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Single Bound: Krypton Nights / Amazon Days (Paperback)

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Single Bound: Krypton Nights / Amazon Days (Paperback)
Product Description

Poetry. For those who love Superman and Wonder Woman--and who enjoy diving deep into the mythological history of superheroes considering the ways that they both experience and reflect the best and worst our human condition--comes this double collection of poems SINGLE BOUND. The first book in Bryan D. Dietrich s collection Krypton Nights won the prestigious Paris Review Prize in Poetry in 2001 and it receives a fresh treatment here. The second book Amazon Days makes its debut at a moment when women s identities and experiences are at the forefront of cultural conversation. These two superheroes speaking within this combined collection of formal persona poems have much to say to each other and to all of us. Bryan Dietrich is my favorite mystic. I d say theologian but Dietrich s relationship to the divine is more medium than scholar. He invites it all in: the ancient and numinous the postmodern and spandex clad. Then like the ecstatic Theresa the man-woman-man Tiresias he speaks: earthy oracular earnest. Super. Wonder. Wow.--Marta Ferguson The biggest struggles don t come in tights. This is the crux of Bryan Dietrich s SINGLE BOUND. Dietrich uses a masterful combination of forms and personas to offer a multifaceted and multidimensional examination of the two most important American superheroes. But just like the best superhero stories aren t only about superheroes this collection is not only about Superman and Wonder Woman. It is not only about Clark Kent and Diana Prince. Humanity sits at the core of SINGLE BOUND. In his depiction of these fictional saviors Dietrich makes us question why humanity wants a savior and most importantly why humanity deserves to be saved.--Jason McCall

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March 4, 2025

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