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Rock Guitar: Beginner to Intermediate [With CD (Audio)]

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Product Name
Rock Guitar: Beginner to Intermediate [With CD (Audio)]
Product Description

Other. Language: English. Pages: 74. The way to learn Rock rhythm and soloing from one of the best teachers and players in the Southeast. This is the companion book to Introduction to Rock Guitar Video and is the followup course to the Electric Guitar Primer. Utilizing many pictures and diagrams it shows exact hand positions to learn how to play more advanced rock and roll rhythm minor pentatonic scales up and down the neck and how to use the scales to create classic rock solos. It covers all the material in the video plus it has additional information (playing in other keys up and down the neck more bending techniques an expanded hot licks section and an appendix covering a variety of information). The companion audio CD contains all of the music in the book played at two speeds (slow for practice and up tempo for performing) and all solos are played along with a full band (drums bass keyboard and rhythm guitar). This book contains all you need to learn how to get that legendary rock and roll guitar sound.

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Last updated
February 4, 2025

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