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On Liberty and Other Essays Paperback 1420934953 9781420934953 John Stuart Mill

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On Liberty and Other Essays Paperback 1420934953 9781420934953 John Stuart Mill
Product Description

This is a Brand New book in excellent condition. Format: Paperback Author: John Stuart Mill ISBN10: 1420934953 ISBN13: 9781420934953 This volume containing Mills On Liberty Utilitarianism Considerations of Representative Government and The Subjection of Women draws together the basic ideas of liberalism that although radical in their time have gained recognition as comprehensive and relevant fundamentals of government economics and logic. Since the publication of On Liberty in 1859 no other nineteenth century philosopher has delved so deeply into the implications of independence from the state and what it means to be truly free. The four works contained here are accessible texts that clearly delineate Mills philosophies the most remarkable of which are the basis for liberty as the sovereignty of man over his own body and mind Mills famous Harm Principle true and false democratic government and equality of the sexes.

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March 11, 2025

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