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The Sadist of Notre Dame (DVD)

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Product Name
The Sadist of Notre Dame (DVD)
Product Description

In 1979 legendary writer/director Jess Franco (VAMPYROS LESBOS) re-purposed elements of his satanic sex shocker EXORCISM with all-new footage to create a depraved new epic that - even by Uncle Jess standards - achieves new levels of EuroSleaze insanity. Franco himself stars as a defrocked priest turned hooker-slashing psychopath prowling the streets of Paris in a fever of violence voyeurism rampant nudity and S&M depravity. Olivier Mathot (TWO FEMALE SPIES WITH FLOWERED PANTIES) Pierre Taylou (HOT NIGHTS OF LINDA) Antonio DeCabo (VIRGIN AMONG THE LIVING DEAD) and Jess beloved muse Lina Romay (MACUMBA SEXUAL MANSION OF THE LIVING DEAD) co-star in what Franco considered to be his most personal film of all now scanned in 4k from elements discovered in the crawlspace of a Montparnasse nunnery.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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