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Resistance Quartet A Train in Winter LP Book 1 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Resistance Quartet A Train in Winter LP Book 1 (Paperback)
Product Description

In January 1943 230 women of the French Resistance were sent to the death camps by the Nazis who had invaded and occupied their country. This is their story told in full for the first time--a searing and unforgettable chronicle of terror courage defiance survival and the power of friendship. Caroline Moorehead a distinguished biographer human rights journalist and the author of Dancing to the Precipice and Human Cargo brings to life an extraordinary story that readers of Mitchell Zuckoff s Lost in Shangri-La Erik Larson s In the Garden of Beasts and Laura Hillenbrand s Unbroken will find an essential addition to our retelling of the history of World War II--a riveting rediscovered story of courageous women who sacrificed everything to combat the march of evil across the world.

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March 4, 2025

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