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Praeger Contemporary Health and Living Excellent Care for Cancer Survivors: A Guide to Fully Meet Their Needs in Medical Offices and in the Community (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Praeger Contemporary Health and Living Excellent Care for Cancer Survivors: A Guide to Fully Meet Their Needs in Medical Offices and in the Community (Hardcover)
Product Description

A clear concise and essential guide providing key information about cancer survivors and their needs--and how those needs can best be met. Excellent Care for Cancer Survivors: A Guide to Fully Meet Their Needs in Medical Offices and in the Community is edited by the director of the Lance Armstrong Cancer Survivorship Program at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and comprised of articles by experts from that prestigious institution from the Harvard Medical School and other leading cancer programs. Its goal is simple: to assure that the millions of cancer survivors in the United States get the help they need to live life to its fullest. This timely work enriched by conversations with cancer survivors themselves explains the array of challenges that may affect survivors from physical needs to psychological spiritual sexual and financial issues. Topics such as nutrition and exercise are also addressed as are risk assessment rehabilitation and possible cognitive dysfunction after chemotherapy. A final section explains the nuts and bolts of starting a professional cancer survivorship program from staffing to fundraising exploring what can and is being done to help cancer survivors in different settings achieve optimal health and quality of life.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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