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The Beauty Experiment : How I Skipped Lipstick Ditched Fashion Faced the World without Concealer and Learned to Love the Real Me (Paperback)

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The Beauty Experiment : How I Skipped Lipstick Ditched Fashion Faced the World without Concealer and Learned to Love the Real Me (Paperback)
Product Description

I looked at my reflection and despaired. As an exhausted young mother I felt ugly and saw that a new dress or face cream would never help. I was at risk of passing on a habit of feeling miserable about my looks to my baby girl -- if nothing changed. Soon afterward Phoebe Baker Hyde made a vow: to give up new clothes makeup haircuts and jewelry in hopes of revealing something she had always paid lip service to but never quite believed in her inner beauty. The Beauty Experiment chronicles Hyde s quest for self-acceptance in nothing but her own skin. In thoughtful exquisite prose Hyde holds up a mirror to all women and shows how perfectionism can keep us from achieving what we really want: happiness confidence and serenity.

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March 4, 2025

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