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Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) - Bath Salt - USP Grade - 20 Pounds

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Product Name
Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate) - Bath Salt - USP Grade - 20 Pounds
Product Description

You know what s the difference between Greenway Biotech s Epsom Salt and hundreds of other Epsom Salt brands available in the market?The relaxing fresh and smooth feeling you get after taking a bath with our Epsom Salt! Whether you are looking for a bath salt that can help get rid of your aches and pains after a day of hard play on an athletic field long day in the garden or you just want to wash away the stresses of the day Epsom Salt can help you.Our high-quality Epsom Salt is extracted and imported from four different lakes in Germany to ensure the very best composition and quality. We don t just claim our Epsom Salt is the best and we do extensive research before offering a new product to our loyal customers. Our Epsom Salt is specifically formulated to dissolve quickly ensuring a smooth and non-gritty bath experience. It s relaxing from the moment you step into your bath until you have to get out. It works very well for relieving aches and pains in muscles throughout the body. This is perfect for those who want a natural product to help with chronic pain fitness-related aches and general stress on the body.Imagine taking an Epsom Salt bath before going to sleep! There is no better way to go to bed than feeling calm relax and with smooth and silky skin which makes you sleep deep and be fresh the next morning.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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