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Mabis Digital Thermometer for Fever Oral Rectal Thermometer for Babies Kids and Adults Hospi-Therm II Medical Thermometer Kit

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Product Name
Mabis Digital Thermometer for Fever Oral Rectal Thermometer for Babies Kids and Adults Hospi-Therm II Medical Thermometer Kit
Product Description

DIGITAL THERMOMETER FOR ADULTS makes it convenient for travel comes with a protective case and 5 disposable thermometer probe covers. | THERMOMETER oral rectal and underarm thermometer recalls your last temperature reading and a beeper sounds when peak temperature is reached. | ACCURATE THERMOMETER is clinically accurate and 100% waterproof with an auto-shut off function and a limited one-year warranty. | PET THERMOMETER is water resistant and packaged in a small space saving box. | THERMOMETER FOR KIDS offers a long lasting battery and easy to read large LCD display makes this the perfect thermometer to keep in the home for all ages. MABIS 60 Second Thermometer Kit Dual Scale (Fahrenheit & Celsius) Digital Thermometer for Adults and Kids Oral Rectal and Underarm Thermometer Includes 5 Probe Covers Case and Battery MABIS 60 Second Thermometer Kit Dual Scale (Fahrenheit & Celsius) Digital Thermometer for Adults and Kids Oral Rectal and Underarm Thermometer Includes 5 Probe Covers Case and Battery

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Last updated
February 15, 2025

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