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The Geography Book: Activities for Exploring Mapping and Enjoying Your World (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Geography Book: Activities for Exploring Mapping and Enjoying Your World (Paperback)
Product Description

Get to Know the Earth s Many Forms with Dozens of Fun and EasyProjects From finding directions by the stars to mapping your neighborhood to making an earthquake in a box you ll have a great time learningabout the world with The Geography Book. You ll find out how todetermine location on the Earth how maps can provide us with awide range of information how different landforms were created how water has helped shape the Earth and much more. Using simple materials you ll be able to find around the house orin your neighborhood you ll be able to create things like a giantcompass rose a balloon globe a contour potato a map puzzle anda tornado in a jar. So get ready for a fascinating trip around theglobe.

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March 4, 2025

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