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3M PPS (Original Series) Paint Spray Gun Cup Lids and Liners Kit 16114 Mini 6 oz 200-micron Filter Use w/ Paint Gun for Cars Furniture Home 50 Disposable Lids and Liners 20 Sealing Plugs

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Product Name
3M PPS (Original Series) Paint Spray Gun Cup Lids and Liners Kit 16114 Mini 6 oz 200-micron Filter Use w/ Paint Gun for Cars Furniture Home 50 Disposable Lids and Liners 20 Sealing Plugs
Product Description

3M PPS Mini Lids and Liners Kit contains 50 disposable lids 50 disposable liners and 20 sealing plugs for use with the original PPS spray gun system an all-in-one solution for measuring mixing filtering and spraying paint materials. Unlike conventional aluminum or other metal paint cup systems with PPS you don’t have to mix paint in extra cups and filter it into a paint reservoir so you waste less paint. Simply place a liner in the reusable paint cup mix the paint snap on the lid attach the locking collar and you’re ready to spray. With a fresh lid and liner for each mix there’s less risk of outside contamination. You can also increase productivity in prep and cleanup time by as much as 50% and use up to 70% less cleaning solvent over conventional paint cup systems. Each lid strains paint material with a built-in 200-micron filter commonly used for solvent-based paint materials. Specially designed PPS stainless steel metal adapters let you use the PPS system with virtually any spray gun.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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