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New England Coffee Cinnamon Hazelnut, Medium Roast, Ground Coffee, 11 oz

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Product Name
New England Coffee Cinnamon Hazelnut, Medium Roast, Ground Coffee, 11 oz
Product Description

Our Cinnamon Hazelnut coffee combines warm cinnamon and sweet, nutty hazelnut flavor with our Breakfast Blend of gourmet coffee beans. If you like creative flavor combinations, you'll love this delightfully distinctive indulgence. The unparalleled quality of this coffee provides enjoyment any time of the year and any time of the day. Cinnamon Hazelnut coffee is a great wake-me-up on leisurely mornings and a delightful warm-me-up on cool evenings. The story of New England Coffee begins in the Old World, with a family living in Greece. From there, Menelaos Kaloyanides, with his brother George Kaloyanides, came to the United States in 1910. By 1916, Menelaos was running a successful restaurant in Boston, but he wanted to start his own business. So he, along with his brother George and his cousin Megaklis Papadopoulos, founded the New England Tea & Coffee Company. Located at Milk and Broad Streets in Boston, they delivered coffee to restaurants all over the city. Slowly but surely, the company gained a reputation for consistently good coffee and coffee beans. As its reputation grew, so grew the reach of the company's deliveries and the size of its accounts. While many things have changed over the decades, the commitment to quality has never wavered.

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Last updated
February 4, 2025

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