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Adventure Map: Brazil - Folded Map

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Product Name
Adventure Map: Brazil - Folded Map
Product Description

- Waterproof - Tear-Resistant - Travel Map National Geographic s Brazil Adventure Map provides global travelers with the perfect combination of detail and perspective highlighting hundreds of points of interest and the diverse and unique destinations within the country. The map includes the locations of cities and towns with a user-friendly index plus a clearly marked road network complete with distances and designations for highways tollways main roads and more. Airports airfields anchorages harbors railroads and other travel aids are invaluable for adventurers seeking to explore both the extensive coastline and the tropical rainforests savannahs and woodlands at the heart of the country s interior. The front side of the print map includes the western half of the country and features the remarkable Amazon Basin and the Mato Grosso Plateau. The eastern half of the country is covered on the back side of the map including the capital of Brasilia and the cities of Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro Salvador Fortaleza Curitiba Porto Alegre and more. Mysterious and breathtaking Brazil is home to over half of the world s remaining rainforests and some of the greatest biodiversity on the planet. It is both a nation of pristine wilderness inhabited by indigenous tribes and host to the colorful annual revelry of Carnival. Visitors can find relaxation and adventure in its tropical forests waterfalls and white-sand beaches or enjoy the excitement and cosmopolitan bustle of Rio de Janeiro or Sao Paulo. Every Adventure Map is printed on durable synthetic paper making them waterproof tear-resistant and tough -- capable of withstanding the rigors of international travel. Map Scale = 1:4 200 000 Sheet Size = 25.5 x 37.75 Folded Size = 4.25 x 9.25

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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