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Big Red Zero Sugar Soda Pop 12 fl oz 12 Pack Cans

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Product Name
Big Red Zero Sugar Soda Pop 12 fl oz 12 Pack Cans
Product Description

Enjoy the “Deliciously Different” taste of Big Red. Developed in Waco Texas in 1937 Big Red has a following as big as the state where it was born. Bursting with flavor there’s nothing quite like the taste of a Big Red. Well except maybe for Big Blue Big Red Zero Sugar Big Peach and Big Pineapple! No matter which one you prefer the one thing that everyone can agree on is that all the “Deliciously Different” flavors have the taste that always satisfies. In fact chances are that if you’re attending a backyard barbeque or eating at your favorite barbeque joint you’re almost certain to find Big Red on the menu. So whether you enjoy an ice-cold Big Red Big Blue or any of the other varieties paired with some brisket baked beans and potato salad or simply on its own you can’t go wrong with any Big flavor!

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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