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Computer Communications and Networks: Guide to e-Science: Next Generation Scientific Research and Discovery (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Computer Communications and Networks: Guide to e-Science: Next Generation Scientific Research and Discovery (Hardcover)
Product Description

This guidebook on e-science presents real-world examples of practices and applications demonstrating how a range of computational technologies and tools can be employed to build essential infrastructures supporting next-generation scientific research. Each chapter provides introductory material on core concepts and principles as well as descriptions and discussions of relevant e-science methodologies architectures tools systems services and frameworks. Features: includes contributions from an international selection of preeminent e-science experts and practitioners; discusses use of mainstream grid computing and peer-to-peer grid technology for open research and resource sharing in scientific research; presents varied methods for data management in data-intensive research; investigates issues of e-infrastructure interoperability security trust and privacy for collaborative research; examines workflow technology for the automation of scientific processes; describes applications of e-science.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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