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Post Grapenuts Cereal

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Product Name
Post Grapenuts Cereal
Product Description

Cereal 24 oz (1 lb 8 oz) 680 g Natural whole grain wheat with barley cereal. 100% natural. 100% of your day's whole grains [Nutritionists recommend at least 3 servings of whole grain foods each day (about 16 g per serving or 48 g per day)]. Good for Your Heart: Diets rich in whole grain foods and other plant foods, and low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may help reduce the risk of heart disease. High in Fiber: 28% daily value. Amount and % Daily Value per Serving: 200 calories (10%), 0 g saturated fat (0%), 290 mg sodium (12%), 5 g sugars (A % daily value for sugars has not been established), 7 g fiber (28%), 2 g whole grain, 40 IU [Nutritionists recommend at least 3 servings of whole grain foods each day (about 16 g per serving or 48 g per day)], vitamin D (10%). Savor the taste of Grape-Buts for a healthy start to your day. Savor Your Healthy Start: Each nutritious nugget of Grape-Nuts has a satisfying crunch that continues long after you pour your milk. But, there is no need to rush! Savor a healthy start to your day with a bowl of Grape-Nuts and relax as the cereal soaks in the goodness of your fat free milk or low fat yogurt. Feel Good About Your Choice: Grape-Nuts are loaded with nutritious ingredients to help give you a healthy start to your day. Each serving is a natural source of fiber and is low in fat and cholesterol free. Just one serving provides 52 g of whole grains (that's over 100% of your day's whole grains! (Nutritionists recommend at least 3 servings of whole grain foods each day (about 16 g per serving or 48 g per day))) and 7 g of fiber! The whole grains in Grape-Nuts are also a natural source of antioxidants. Grape-Nuts are also high in iron (90% DV/serving) and folic acid (50% DV/serving). Grape-Nuts are 100% natural so you can feel good about your choice. Enjoy the Taste: Made with natural whole grain wheat with barley, Grape-Nuts has a slightly sweet, malty flavor with a unique, nutty taste. It's a taste worth savoring! Get the Most from Each Bowl: With Grape-Nuts, not only do you benefit from natural ingredients, great taste and a satisfying crunch, you get a healthy start to your day that's worth the extra effort! Exchange: 2-1/2 starch. Exchange calculations based on Choose Your Foods; Exchange Lists for Diabetes, copyright 2008 by the American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetic Association. Contains: wheat. 24 oz (1 lb 8 oz) 680 g 800 Market Street St. Louis, MO 63101 800-431-POST Post Foods, LLC

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Last updated
February 15, 2025

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