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Smoking Meat: The Essential Guide to Real Barbecue (Paperback)

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Product Name
Smoking Meat: The Essential Guide to Real Barbecue (Paperback)
Product Description

The ultimate how-to guide for smoking all kinds of meat poultry and fish. From the creator of the world s highest-ranking website on smoking meat comes this guide to mastering the low and slow art of smoking meat poultry and fish at home. Smoking Meat takes home smokers new and experienced step by step through the basic and finer points of smokeology -- how to choose a smoker among the various models available how to set up and modify a smoker (whether charcoal gas or electric) which wood to use how to build and maintain a fire what tools equipment and supplies to buy and how to stock a smoking-meat pantry. Star smoker Jeff Phillips covers every step -- brining (hot and cold) injecting marinating mopping using foil and pans crisping how to butcher meat and poultry making sauces and rubs including his essential mop water keeping food safe at home and while traveling and much more. The smoking recipes for the stars of the dish -- beef pork poultry fish -- include Smoked Chicken Quarters Al s 3-2-1 Asian Ribs Pan-smoked Brisket (pulled pork) Cherry-smoked Prime Rib Smoked Hot Wings Smoked Whole Turkey Cajun-smoked Frog Legs Smoked Mahi-Mahi Whole Trout and Smoked Salmon and other choices for all food tastes. The wide range of delicious recipes includes: classic barbecue favorites such as chicken ribs and brisket sauces rubs and brine that kick up flavor and tenderness specialty dishes such as duck meatloaf and fatties (rolled up ground meats and fillings wrapped in bacon) side dishes such as cheesy taters fire corn baked beans succotash garlic mashed potatoes cheese-stuffed jalapenos. Smoking Meat truly is the essential guide to making real barbecue at home. Home cooks will discover that it is the only guide they will ever need. It has detailed guidance gained over years of experience clear instructions and advice on equipment and methods step-by-step directions for every recipe and a fabulous variety of mouth-watering spicy and mild dishes to suit all tastes.

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Last updated
February 27, 2025

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