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Equal Zero Calorie Original Sweetener Packets 0 lb (0 oz) - Artificial Sweetener - 100/Box

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Product Name
Equal Zero Calorie Original Sweetener Packets 0 lb (0 oz) - Artificial Sweetener - 100/Box
Product Description

Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener packets are perfect for coffee, iced tea and other drinks. The zero-calorie sweetener you know and love dissolves quickly in hot or cold beverages, adding sweetness to every sip. Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener can be useful in the diets of individuals with diabetes. Sugar substitutes, such as Equal, can be used to sweeten foods and drinks with less calories and carbohydrates when they replace table sugar. One serving of Equal contains zero calories and less than one gram of carbohydrate. Those with diabetes or concerned about glucose levels should consider the impact on their diet of other ingredients used in foods sweetened with Equal. A food or beverage containing Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener may still have calories and carbohydrates so always check the nutrition facts panel or other sources.

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Last updated
February 22, 2025

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