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Microjig Grr-Ripper Advanced 3D Pushblock (2-Pack)

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Product Name
Microjig Grr-Ripper Advanced 3D Pushblock (2-Pack)
Product Description

The Microjig Grr-Ripper Advanced 3D Pushblock boasts all of the same innovative features of the GR-100 but comes with two additional accessories that improve the control and expandability of the GRR-Ripper System. The Micro Jig GRR-Ripper Advanced 3D Pushblock is designed to feed your workpiece more safely and accurately than with conventional push blocks resulting in intact fingers less burning and less waste. With its 3-Directional control it gives you downward forward and lateral pressure on the stock for maximum control. Since it acts as a movable blade guard that travels with your hand it provides an additional safety buffer between the blade and your hands. Whether you are making razor-thin veneer strips building miniatures or creating exquisite furniture you will save time materials and fingers with the GRR-Ripper. Additional Accessories The Adjustable Spacer adds an increased gripping surface for tackling larger stock. It also adds one inch of cutting width to the GRR-Ripper and acts as secondary balance support for small stock and straight-line ripping. It is a great add-on for working on the router table and eliminating snipe. Stabilizing Plate The Stabilizing Plate adds a new dimension of control to the GRR-Ripper. It is particularly useful when cutting small narrow pieces of stock. Perfect for trickier cuts like resawing bevel edging pattern routing and much more. The Stabilizing Plate also acts as a secondary fence that travels with the GRR-Ripper along the left side of the stock. It holds the off-cut piece in its original position through the entire cutting operation. Some users call it a Feather Board Plate but unlike a featherboard it exerts no sideways pressure. Instead it simply holds the drop-off piece in position as it travels past the blade preventing binding.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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