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Audubon COPLEAF18 Weather Shield Copper Oak Leaf Squirrel Baffle

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Product Name
Audubon COPLEAF18 Weather Shield Copper Oak Leaf Squirrel Baffle
Product Description

The striking copper leaf design of the 18 inch Brushed Copper Weather Shield adds year-round beauty while protecting your favorite bird feeder from rain and other inclement weather or providing instant shade to hummingbird nectar. The weather shield keeps the rain from ruining your bird seed while adding a touch of decor to your backyard and is wide enough to help deter squirrels when placed at least 10 feet from a tree trunk or other object. The metal construction will easily withstand the elements while the brushed copper colored finish adds a natural feel. Hang your feeder from the hook beneath the item and use the top hook to hang the entire unit from a branch or bracket or hook.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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