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Routledge Contemporary Russia and Easter Postcommunist Film - Russia Eastern Europe and World Culture: Moving Images of Postcommunism Book 32 (Hardcover)

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Routledge Contemporary Russia and Easter Postcommunist Film - Russia Eastern Europe and World Culture: Moving Images of Postcommunism Book 32 (Hardcover)
Product Description

A post-communist condition has arisen from the fall of the Berlin Wall and later the Soviet Empire: this book looks at how this condition has manifested itself globally in the production of post-communist film. It argues post-communism is a shared experience on a geopolitical level unlimited by national state borders and examines post-communist cross culturalism and global totalitarianism within film. The book examines different national cinemas and dissimilar cinematic modes - from Russian blockbuster cinema to Chinese independent cinema; from Serbian city films to revolutionary films of Mozambique - all formulated as within the postcommunist condition. It considers the postcommunist film in terms of transnational and World cinema. It covers a wide range of films from small and independent filmmaking to mainstream popular cinema and explains post-communist signifiers as manifested in visual culture both inside and outside former and current communist countries.

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March 4, 2025

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