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SuperBusiness (Paperback)

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SuperBusiness (Paperback)
Product Description

Fraser gives hope to anyone who ever dreamed of selling to a wider market --Lorraine Kelly You have a great story to tell --Gordon Brown Fraser is an exciting young entrepreneur with an amazing story. His jams taste really fantastic too! --Duncan Bannatyne At just 14 years old Fraser Doherty was selling jars of homemade jam to his neighbours. A few years later SuperJam was flying off the shelves of the world s largest supermarket chains. SuperBusiness tells how he transformed a hobby into a much-loved brand selling millions of jars along the way. Fraser explains how he did it - from his own kitchen table without huge investment - and how you too can come up with a killer idea build a brand make money and do good in your community. Those crazy business ideas really can grow into something amazing and life changing. If this story doesn t inspire you to start your adventure nothing will.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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