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Functional Linguistics: Morphosyntactic Alterations in English: Functional and Cognitive Perspectives (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Functional Linguistics: Morphosyntactic Alterations in English: Functional and Cognitive Perspectives (Hardcover)
Product Description

This volume brings together fourteen papers which explore the discourse-pragmatic semantic morphological and syntactic factors involved in English morphosyntactic alternations. The contributors to this volume deal with different types of diathesis alternations --broadly defined by Levin (English Verb Classes and Alternations: A Preliminary Investigation 1993) as alternations in the expressions of arguments sometimes accompanied by changes of meaning --i.e. transitivity alternations (such as the causative/inchoative alternation and the conative alternation) alternations involving arguments within the VP (such as the Swarm-alternation and the dative or benefactive alternations) etc. The volume will also include some contributions dealing more generally with the issues of morphological relatedness and verb-specific alternations within functionalist cognitive and/or constructionist frameworks. The book features a wide range of theoretical approaches ranging from functionalist models such as Functional Discourse Grammar or the Cardiff Grammar version of Systemic Functional Linguistics to more cognitively-oriented approaches such as Goldberg s Construction Grammar or Fillmore s Frame Semantics. This attempt to describe morphosyntactic alternations within different contemporary theories¬¬ --derivational and non-derivational-- will hopefully contribute to a better understanding of the linguistic phenomena traditionally subsumed under the rubric of morphosyntactic alternation. The book will be of interest to experienced linguists and researchers of a functionalist cognitivist or even functional-typological persuasion.

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Last updated
February 17, 2025

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