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In Good Health : Philosophical-Theological Analysis of the Concept of Health in Contemporary Medical Ethics (Hardcover)

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Product Name
In Good Health : Philosophical-Theological Analysis of the Concept of Health in Contemporary Medical Ethics (Hardcover)
Product Description

Health is a value-laden concept. The state of being that it designates is a fundamental human goal. As a value the concept is normative governing both clinical practice and the therapeutic treatment developed by medical research. Additionally the promise of health plays a pivotal role in health-policy discourse. Health is a value-laden concept. The state of being that it designates is a fundamental human goal. As a value the concept is normative governing both clinical practice and the therapeutic treatment developed by medical research. Also the promise of health plays a pivotal role in health-policy discourse. Almut Caspary considers philosophical and theological concepts of health in the context of its practical significance both in the past and today. This conceptual analysis culminates in a preliminary sketch of a concept of health; focusing on the stem-cell debate it offers a discriminating approach to contemporary ethical problems in medicine. Gesundheit ist ein wertgeladener Begriff. Er bezeichnet einen grundsatzlich wunschenswerten Zustand menschlicher Existenz der das arztliche Handeln im klinischen Alltag leitet. Daruber hinaus werden (gesundheits-)politische Debatten mit Verweis auf den Nutzen fur die Gesundheit entschieden. Vor diesem Hintergrund setzt sich Almut Caspary epochenubergreifend mit philosophischen und theologischen Uberlegungen zur Gesundheit auseinander. Die konzeptuelle Diskussion erlaubt die Skizzierung eines Gesundheitsverstandnisses das - wie am Beispiel der Stammzelldebatte gezeigt wird - ein differenziertes Abwagen in medizinethischen Konfliktfallen zulasst.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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