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Spanish Soundings: A Punta de Cuchillo (Paperback)

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Product Name
Spanish Soundings: A Punta de Cuchillo (Paperback)
Product Description

Jill tiene un trabajo de verano brutal en un rancho en las montañas guiando a vaqueros aficionados en paseos a caballo por el campo. Durante una excursión con un guapo desconocido Jill se encuentra de pronto en una lucha de vida o muerte sin nadie que pueda ayudarla. Jill took a job which sounded perfect for the summer guiding tourists on trail rides in the beautiful mountains. She didn t realize that the money was terrible the hours long and the coworkers insufferable. After a blow-up with her boss she takes a single man into the mountains for a ride only to finds that he is a dangerous killer. When Jill fights back and manages to escape she is in a desperate race to survive and make it to safety.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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