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DEER PARK Brand 100% Natural Spring Water 101.4-ounce plastic jug

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Product Name
DEER PARK Brand 100% Natural Spring Water 101.4-ounce plastic jug
Product Description

100% Natural Spring Water There are over 326 million trillion gallons of water on earth but only 1 billionth of 1% is crisp and refreshing enough to be called Deer Park. Our water is sourced from springs that span across and around the Eastern Seaboard and beyond. What Is Spring Water Anyway? Great question. According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA): “Spring Water is water derived from an underground formation from which water flows naturally to the surface of the earth at an identified location.” To be able to label our product as “spring water ” we have to satisfy stringent standards — standards we proudly meet or exceed. That’s why every bottle of Deer Park Brand water is labeled as 100% natural. A Taste of History When Deer Park Brand 100% Natural Spring Water got its start near the crest of the Appalachians travelers came from all over to enjoy a taste of the water. Today our natural spring water comes from carefully selected spring sources in four states. We re still honored to serve folks across the region and call this beautiful place our home.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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