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Love Handles RX 10-0705 Portable Upper Body Exerciser to use with Chair or Wheelchair

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Product Name
Love Handles RX 10-0705 Portable Upper Body Exerciser to use with Chair or Wheelchair
Product Description

Love Handles are a unique portable upper body exerciser. This exercise system features a pair of lightweight elliptical arms that easily attach to most chairs wheelchairs and even strollers. Attached to a chair the handles let you stay seated while arms shoulders back stomach and core get strengthened. Attached to a stroller Love Handles let you take your workout on the go while spending time with your toddler. In addition to strengthening your upper body using Love Handles with a stroller lets you lose weight and get toned at the same time while you are jogging walking and power walking. The arms can be moved forward or backwards allowing for a total upper body workout. The Love Handles come fully assembled and just need to be attached for you to get going! This package comes complete with one set of Love Handles and a fully illustrated instruction manual and guide to exercises.

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Last updated
December 4, 2024

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