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Asia Resource Book Grade 5-8

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Asia Resource Book Grade 5-8
Product Description

Explore the vast landscape that is Asia the world s largest continent. Find and label the Gobi Desert Himalayas mountain range and Mekong Delta on a map of Asia. Find out how the city of Mumbai s location affected how it developed as a city. Record information about your chosen country in a flow chart graphic organizer. Learn how China s landscape is being changed by the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River. Interview your parents to find out where your family originated how and when they moved about and how they eventually came to live in your present home. Compare an ancient Asian civilization with the one that exists there now on the Regions Change Over Time organizer. Look at the Asian continent on a world map to compare its location to the rest of the world. Aligned to your State Standards and the Five Themes of Geography additional maps crossword word search comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. Includes 60 pages. For grades 5-8.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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