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Molecular Wine Microbiology (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Molecular Wine Microbiology (Hardcover)
Product Description

Molecular Wine Microbiology features rigorous scientific content written at a level comprehensible for wine professionals as well as advanced students. It includes information on production and spoilage issues the microbial groups relevant for wine production and microbial wine safety. Microbiology has long been recognized as a key tool in studying wine production however only recently have wine microbiology studies been addressed at a molecular level increasing the understanding of how microbiology impacts not only the flavor quality of the wine but also its safety. Understanding at a molecular level how a starter culture can impact ethanol glycerol volatile phenols mannoproteins biogenic amines or ochratoxin A of a wine are just some of the core points that must be considered in order to achieve maximium consumer acceptability while addressing safety concerns during processing and storage. While other books offer insights into the technological aspects of enology this book is written by expert microbiologists who explore the positive and negative impacts of gene function in the production of wine from a microbiological point of view.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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