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Everyday Flexitarian: Recipes for Vegetarians & Meat Lovers Alike (Paperback)

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Product Name
Everyday Flexitarian: Recipes for Vegetarians & Meat Lovers Alike (Paperback)
Product Description

More and more people are choosing to eat less meat. It is estimated that 30 to 40 percent of the population of the United States and Canada is flexitarian. But what is a flexitarian? Is it a vegetarian who occasionally eats meat or is it a mindful meat eater who occasionally seeks out vegetarian meals? The answer is they re both flexitarians. So how do you cook for one? And then there are those households that include unwavering meat lovers and committed vegetarians: your son has decided to become vegetarian and you re learning to cook for the whole family. Or perhaps you re entertaining both meat-eating and vegetarian dinner guests and you don t want to make two completely separate meals. Or you ve been thinking about reducing your meat intake but never at the expense of a delicious satisfying meal. With Everyday Flexitarian Nettie and Pat will give you recipes that can be easily adjusted to please every person at your table. The main dishes can be tailored for both the vegetarian and meat eater with instructions on when to separate the vegetarian portions when to add the meat or fish or what to add instead of meat to retain healthy protein levels. This is the perfect guide for creating a tolerant kitchen and embracing responsible consumption. Recipes include (with the optional meat in italics): Wild and Brown Rice Soup with Three Kinds of Mushroom and Braised Cod Buddha Dragon Bowl with Lemongrass and Bacon-Broiled Scallops Penne with Chicken Chickpeas Spinach and Roasted Asparagus and plenty of recipes for beverages desserts marinades and sauces too!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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