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Street Dogs of Saint Louis : Showcasing the resilient side of shelter dogs (Paperback)

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Street Dogs of Saint Louis : Showcasing the resilient side of shelter dogs (Paperback)
Product Description

Shelter dogs are some of the toughest creatures on the planet. They ve been through so much and yet they always seem to find their playful happy sides. This project is a way to capture those silly sides of shelter dogs showcasing how resilient these dogs are. While the stigma around shelter dogs is (fortunately!) starting to fade there are still some people who view shelter dogs as broken figuring there must be something wrong with a dog for it to end up at a shelter in the first place. But these dogs are truly some of the toughest most resilient creatures on the planet. As a volunteer at Stray Rescue of St. Louis I ve seen some horrific stories -- dogs who have been shot or beaten tied up and abandoned victims of dogfighting the list goes on. Often these dogs are understandably cautious or defensive around humans. But just as often they will greet each person they meet with a wagging tail and sloppy kiss. Despite their pasts they re willing to wipe the slate clean and give humans a second chance. There s something so magical about seeing these dogs transform. Sometimes it only takes a few seconds to earn their trust and other times it takes months or even years. I started this project as a way to capture that transformation. All of these dogs have a story. Sometimes we know that story but oftentimes we know nothing more about them than who they are when they arrive at the shelter. The lucky ones were simply found roaming the streets and nobody came to claim them. The unlucky ones were victims of abuse or trauma. But no matter their story they somehow always learn to trust again and find their playful happy goofy sides.

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Last updated
December 13, 2024

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