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drive Duet 4 Wheel Rollator / Transport Chair 300 lbs Aluminum 31.5 to 37 inch Handle Height

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drive Duet 4 Wheel Rollator / Transport Chair 300 lbs Aluminum 31.5 to 37 inch Handle Height
Product Description

drive Duet 4 Wheel Rollator / Transport Chair Aluminum 31.5 to 37 inch Handle Height Make mobility during daily activities simpler with the Drive Duet rollator and transport chair with 8-inch casters. Users can move it under their own power or accept caregiver assistance. The Duet rollator and transport chair has adjustable, optional footrests and armrests and height-adjustable handles to meet the needs of each user and operator. The padded seat and backrest supply comfortable support, and the backrest is adjustable and reversible. Under the seat, a black pouch has space to carry items. The rollator and transport chair frame folds down to occupy less space in a storage area and, stays unfolded with a lock-out mechanism. Bring it to a safe, controlled stop and park securely with hand-operated brakes and rear wheel locks. Adult,Adjustable Height / Transport / Folding,300 lbs. Weight Capacity

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Last updated
February 19, 2025

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