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Mute Sports Equipment Split Ropes® Adaptive Jump Rope CALF 4 oz. per side

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Product Name
Mute Sports Equipment Split Ropes® Adaptive Jump Rope CALF 4 oz. per side
Product Description

Mute Sports Equipment Split Ropes® Adaptive Jump Rope CALF 4 oz. per side. Mute Sports is the innovator of the original Split Ropes®! A seated jump rope Split Ropes are for anyone unable to jump. This CALF Version is light weighing only 4 ounces per side. Receive one SET of Split Ropes as pictured. These Split Ropes will give you similar benefits to jumping rope such as work your cardiovascular system shoulders grip forearm and core. It is also a great tool for balance coordination and stability. They need to hit the ground to feel the resistance which causes the engagement of the core muscles and to maintain stability. Has extreme durability and long life. Some examples of people who are currently using these split ropes are: wheelchair users pregnancy/post pregnancy traumatic brain injury cerebral palsy quadriplegic paraplegic geriatric obese arthritic back and foot pain/surgery/broken bones and for therapy.

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Last updated
February 2, 2025

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