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Accuquilt GO! Fabric Cutter Starter Set

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Product Name
Accuquilt GO! Fabric Cutter Starter Set
Product Description

Accuquilt GO! Fabric Cutter Starter Set Why Quilters Love the GO! Fabric Cutter Starter Set: Just add fabric! Set includes the tools you need to get started cutting right out of the box. 90% faster than rotary cutters or scissors so you spend more time sewing and quilting and less time cutting. Accurate cuts every time reduces fabric waste. Say so long to cutting mistakes from your rotary cutter. Safe and easy-to-use. No more backaches cut fingers and sore hands from cutting. Compatible with more than 200 GO! piecing and applique dies - all die sizes fit the GO! cutter except GO! Big dies. Portable and easy to store (only 15 lbs.) Features: Easy-lift carrying handle and comfortable roller handle grip. Cuts up to 6 layers of 100% cotton fabric at a time. Cut a wide variety of fabrics: cotton batiks wool flannel fleece denim leather batting felt silk and satin. 10 cutting width: Fits these die sizes: 5 x 10 6 x 12 6 x 6 6 x 24 10 x 10 10 x 24 .

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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