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Writing for Conferences: A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty (Paperback)

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Writing for Conferences: A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty (Paperback)
Product Description

This book answers every question a doctoral graduate new to publishing could have about writing for a conference from Why would I want to publish at a conference? to What do I wear? Conferences are often a researcher s first foray into publishing. Each year about 50 000 new doctoral graduates arrive to the publishing landscape most with little or no understanding of how the conference publication process works. Yet until now there have been no publications devoted to this specific subject. Writing for Conferences: A Handbook for Graduate Students and Faculty serves as an essential guide for graduate students who want to publish the results of the research projects of their graduate program to maximum effect. It explains the conference publication process step-by-step and answers all of the questions asked by students inexperienced in publishing. The book is also a valuable reference manual for previously published authors providing insightful sections on ethics in publishing dress and grooming presentation tips and networking techniques to develop further research and career opportunities.

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March 4, 2025

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