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De La Cruz Gas Drops for Newborns Simethicone Infant Gas Relief Drops, 1 fl Oz

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Product Name
De La Cruz Gas Drops for Newborns Simethicone Infant Gas Relief Drops, 1 fl Oz
Product Description

Got a gassy baby in your hands? Newborns and infants are prone to being gassy because they don’t have fully developed digestive systems just yet. And this could be quite uncomfortable for them. Our infant gas relief drops are a safe way to relieve the discomfort of baby and infant gas frequently caused by swallowing air or certain milk formulas or food. Find instant gas relief for baby with these De La Cruz Gas Drops for Newborns Simethicone Infant Gas Relief Drops! These infant gas drops contain simethicone, which helps break down gas bubbles. Simethicone drops infant and newborn babies could use do this gently and without being absorbed into your baby’s delicate digestive system. It’s formulated for your child’s safety, too! Choose gas drops for newborns that work AND taste great at the same time! Our baby gas relief drops feature a natural sweet cherry taste that can help soothe your bundle of joy. Our simethicone infant gas drops are safe to use at every feeding, up to 12 times a day Our baby gas relief tummy drops do not contain sugar, saccharin, alcohol, dyes or artificial flavors. The bottle provides up to 100 doses. Plus, it comes with an easy-to-use dropper. Add the De La Cruz Gas Drops for Newborns Simethicone Infant Gas Relief Drops to your cart today!

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Last updated
February 19, 2025

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