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Oversampled Delta-SIGMA Modulators: Analysis Applications and Novel Topologies (Paperback)

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Oversampled Delta-SIGMA Modulators: Analysis Applications and Novel Topologies (Paperback)
Product Description

Oversampled Delta-Sigma Modulators: Analysis Applications and Novel Topologies presents theorems and their mathematical proofs for the exact analysis of the quantization noise in delta-sigma modulators. Extensive mathematical equations are included throughout the book to analyze both single-stage and multi-stage architectures. It has been proved that appropriately set initial conditions generate tone free output provided that the modulator order is at least three. These results are applied to the design of a Fractional-N PLL frequency synthesizer to produce spurious free RF waveforms. Furthermore the book also presents time-interleaved topologies to increase the conversion bandwidth of delta-sigma modulators. The topologies have been generalized for any interleaving number and modulator order. The book is full of design and analysis techniques and contains sufficient detail that enables readers with little background in the subject to easily follow the material in it.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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