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Great Northern Popcorn Red Antique Style Popper Machine 8 Ounce

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Product Name
Great Northern Popcorn Red Antique Style Popper Machine 8 Ounce
Product Description

If you are in the market for a popcorn popper stop looking! These commercial quality machines feature stainless steel food zones easy cleaning stainless steel kettles an old-maid drawer (for unpropped kernels) tempered glass panels/doors and an 8-ounce kettle operating on 860 watts. The antique style design evokes memories of early days at the ball games carnivals or the movie theater. We have combined the best of both worlds - not only are you getting today s technology but you also get an authentic design with all the conveniences of the modern era. We have sold thousands of these units to churches schools businesses daycare centers varsity/PTA clubs and more.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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