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Minuteman International Oxford 5 Piece Fireplace Toolset Antique Brass

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Product Name
Minuteman International Oxford 5 Piece Fireplace Toolset Antique Brass
Product Description

Attract attention to your fireplace with the 4 Piece. Antique Brass Fireplace Tool Set - Framed Base. This toolset features brass plating that gives it a stylish appeal. It consists of a shovel brush poker tongs and a stand. Both the tongs and the shovel have solid rivets while the brush is made from Tampico fiber. The elegant handles are bonded permanently to the rods and give a secure grip. The stand features hand-filed cast racks and a broad heavy-framed square base. Founded in 1977 with a focus on necessities for wood stoves steamers and kettles Minuteman International produces unique hand-forged European designs from wrought iron for the hearth and fireplace. Bellows andirons firebacks and wood baskets are also part of the selection. The fireplace and hearth has always been a focal point in homes and it’s where

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Last updated
February 17, 2025

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