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Holy Harlots : Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in Brazil (Edition 1) (Paperback)

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Holy Harlots : Femininity Sexuality and Black Magic in Brazil (Edition 1) (Paperback)
Product Description

Holy Harlots examines the intersections of social marginality morality and magic in contemporary Brazil by analyzing the beliefs and religious practices related to the Afro-Brazilian spirit entity Pomba Gira. Said to be the disembodied spirit of an unruly harlot Pomba Gira is a controversial figure in Brazil. Devotees maintain that Pomba Gira possesses an intimate knowledge of human affairs and the mystical power to intervene in the human world. Others view this entity more ambivalently. Kelly E. Hayes provides an intimate and engaging account of the intricate relationship between Pomba Gira and one of her devotees Nazaré da Silva. Combining Nazaré s spiritual biography with analysis of the gender politics and violence that shapes life on the periphery of Rio de Janeiro Hayes highlights Pomba Gira s role in the rivalries relationships and struggles of everyday life in urban Brazil. The accompanying film Slaves of the Saints may be viewed online at

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March 4, 2025

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