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Power Dressing : First Ladies Women Politicians and Fashion (Paperback)

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Product Name
Power Dressing : First Ladies Women Politicians and Fashion (Paperback)
Product Description

Some find the constant scrutiny an unwelcome intrusion; others use fashion as their secret weapon. Whatever their views women in politics know they will be judged by how they dress more than their male counterparts. In Power Dressing fashion journalist Robb Young offers an engaging perspective on the ability of style to influence the careers of women politicians and first ladies. Concise thematic chapters are interspersed with profiles of more than 50 serving and former women presidents prime ministers MPs royals and wives from over 30 countries ranging from such contemporary figures as Michelle Obama Carla Bruni-Sarkozy Angela Merkel and Queen Rania of Jordan to such iconic women as Eva Peron Imelda Marcos and Margaret Thatcher. Featuring hundreds of photographs that shed light on political context and quotations from prominent figures commenting on each woman s style this fascinating book reveals the milestone fashion moments as well as the unspoken rules of the political fashion game. This work explores the role of fashion and style in the careers of first ladies and women politicians. It is an informative and entertaining sartorial analysis of over 50 women in politics around the world.

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Last updated
February 11, 2025

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