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Valvoline High Mileage MaxLife 10W-30 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil 5 QT

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Product Name
Valvoline High Mileage MaxLife 10W-30 Synthetic Blend Motor Oil 5 QT
Product Description

Maybe you’re spending extra money to top off oil between changes. Or maybe you’re noticing oil leaks in your driveway. Either way it’s an obvious sign your vehicle needs a high mileage motor oil. If left untreated the issues could eventually lead to engine breakdown. Other problems with aging engines may be less obvious but can still be just as harmful. After 75 000 miles your vehicle deserves Valvoline High Mileage Motor Oil with premium seal conditioners seal conditioners to rejuvenate aging seals and prevent oil leaks. Our synthetic blend formula and superior-quality additives protect against engine deposits wear friction and extreme heat the four leading causes of engine failure. Plus added detergents reduce sludge corrosion and deposits. Toyota Ford Chevy Dodge Honda Hyundai – cars SUVs trucks – no matter the make or model Valvoline High Mileage with MaxLife Technology helps curb contaminants to keep high-mileage engines from burning and consuming oil. Valvoline Synthetic Blend High Mileage with MaxLife Technology America’s first motor oil to specifically address the needs of higher mileage vehicles.

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Last updated
March 8, 2025

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