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Energy and the Environment: Forest-Based Biomass Energy: Concepts and Applications (Hardcover)

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Energy and the Environment: Forest-Based Biomass Energy: Concepts and Applications (Hardcover)
Product Description

What is forest-based biomass energy and why should we care? Written by environmental expert Frank Spellman Forest-Based Biomass Energy: Concepts and Applications details how forest biomass can be converted to energy and energy products including direct combustion pellets gasification and co-firing. It explores the possibilities of forest-based biomass energy for producing a reliable energy renewable energy source that will not destroy or pollute our fragile environment. Carefully avoiding the influence of media hype and political ideology Spellman points out that every problem has a solution we simply need to find sources and develop them. He delineates common-sense approaches and practical sometimes poetic examples. And he does all this while adhering to scientific principles models and observations. However you need not be a scientist to understand the principles and concepts. Spellman goes easy on the hard math and science and presents the material in a user-friendly manner weaving real-life situations throughout the fabric of the text. Features: Offers complete coverage of forest biomass rather than simply touching on one source Includes several basic and practical mathematical operations illustrated with example problems and explained solutions Examines numerous types of tree stocks Contains information on silviculture Addresses growing transportation energy needs and limited petroleum resources Offers information on the benefits of Agroforestry This is not merely an answer book; it is designed to stimulate thought and new ideas. Although the author answers specific renewable energy and forest-derived feedstock questions he also points out the disadvantages that need to be overcome to make forest-based renewable energy a viable alternative to fossil fuels. He provides a framework of principles you can use to understand the complexity of the situation of substituting a renewable energy source such as forest-based biomass for fossil fuels.

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March 4, 2025

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