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Marine Cosmeceuticals: Trends and Prospects (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Marine Cosmeceuticals: Trends and Prospects (Hardcover)
Product Description

Marine Cosmeceuticals: Trends and Prospects is a consolidated overview of the marine environment as a productive source of novel cosmeceuticals. It accumulates the latest research in this field from around the globe highlighting the potential of marine micro and macro flora and fauna as effective agents for the development of novel cosmeceuticals. Part I overviews the biological activities of different marine sources and the class of cosmeceutical agents that they may deliver Part II describes the chemical properties of marine cosmeceuticals with special emphasis on chitosan as a cosmeceutical agent Part III covers the range of biological properties and bioactive promise that the oceanic environment holds in the field of cosmetology with a focus on marine fish and sponge derived collagens Part IV presents different strategies for enhanced cosmeceutical production via biotechnology Part V wraps up with the industrial applications of marine cosmeceuticals including information on aquatic and marine bioactive antimicrobial peptides With contributions from Korea Japan China India Spain Chile Malaysia Canada Italy Sri Lanka and Taiwan Marine Cosmeceuticals: Trends and Prospects holds great insights for cosmetologists in particular and marine researchers in general. This book offers comprehensive knowledge on novel marine cosmeceutical agents their biological and chemical properties and industrial applications.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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