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Communications in Computer and Information Science: Digital Libraries: 6th Italian Research Conference IRCDL 2010 Padua Italy January 28-29 2010 Revised Selected Papers (Paperback)

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Communications in Computer and Information Science: Digital Libraries: 6th Italian Research Conference IRCDL 2010 Padua Italy January 28-29 2010 Revised Selected Papers (Paperback)
Product Description

Thisvolumecontainstherevisedacceptedpapersfromamongthosepresentedat the 6th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (IRCDL 2010) which was held in the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua Italy during January 28 29 2010. The well-established aim of IRCDL is to bring together Italian researchers interested in the di?erent methods and techniques that allow the building and operation of Digital Libraries. A national Program Committee was set up c- posed of 15 members with representatives of the most active Italian research groups on Digital Libraries. Seventeen of the papers presented at the conference were accepted for - clusion in this volume. Selected authors submitted expanded versions of their workshoppapers. Those papers were reviewed again and the results of the sel- tion arethe papers appearingin these proceedings. The coveredtopics testifying to the bright interests of the community are: System Interoperability and Data Integration including emerging interop- ability issues and technologies promoting interoperability Infrastructures Metadata Creation and Content Management for Digital Libraries such as methods and techniques for text summarization and key phraseextraction ontology-basedannotation event-centricprovenancem- els semantic relatedness Information Access and Search for Digital Library Systems from mat- matical symbol indexing to term-based text retrieval and disambiguation techniques from audio-based information retrieval to video content-based identi?cation classi?cation and retrieval User Interfaces for Digital Libraries including interactive visual represen- tions collaborativeuser interfaces multimodal user interface for multimedia Digital Libraries personalization models The volume also contains the reports on the two keynote addresses and a communication on a relevant national project.

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