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TOPS Carbonless 2-Part Money Receipt Book 200 / Each Canary White TOP4161

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Product Name
TOPS Carbonless 2-Part Money Receipt Book 200 / Each Canary White TOP4161
Product Description

Use Money Receipt Book for rent payments or any other type of payment. Wirebound book offers four perforated two-part carbonless forms per page. Two-part format includes an original in white with blue and red ink and a canary duplicate with a black/white image. Stop card prevents write-through to sets on the next page. Each form includes a place to write the date payer amount paid purpose of payments time period that the payments covers account balance remainder due on the account and boxes labeled cash check and money order to choose payment method. Wirebound book opens flat and contains 200 sets per book. TOPS Carbonless 2-part Money Receipt Book Canary White 200 / Each (Quantity)

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March 8, 2025

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