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Citizen Islam: The Future of Muslim Integration in the West (Paperback)

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Product Name
Citizen Islam: The Future of Muslim Integration in the West (Paperback)
Product Description

Since September 11 Western governments have legitimized and empowered nonviolent Islamists as representatives of Islam for all Muslims in the West an approach that has worried Muslim moderates. Citizen Islam addresses the implications of this approach. The book opens with an overview of the theology and history of Islam to show that violence and intolerance are not fundamental aspects of the religion. It then explains the growth of Islamism in Europe and in the United States before suggesting that both are finally beginning to recognize the threat posed by nonviolent Islamists. Lastly it outlines steps that Western and Muslims leaders can take to strengthen moderate Islam and counter the threat of Islamism. Written by Zeyno Baran a Turkish-born Muslim Citizen Islam sheds a sharp light on Muslim communities in the West. It concludes that there is much that Western governments can still do to reverse the spread of Islamism. But they must act quickly.

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March 10, 2025

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