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Bloomsbury Philosophy Dictionaries: The Heidegger Dictionary (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Bloomsbury Philosophy Dictionaries: The Heidegger Dictionary (Hardcover)
Product Description

The Heidegger Dictionary is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the world of Martin Heidegger arguably the most important and influential European thinker of the twentieth century. Meticulously researched and extensively cross-referenced this unique book covers all his major works ideas and influences and provides a firm grounding in the central themes of Heidegger s thought. Students will discover a wealth of useful information analysis and criticism. A-Z entries include clear definitions of all the key terms used in Heidegger s writings and detailed synopses of his key works. The Dictionary also includes entries on Heidegger s major philosophical influences including Plato and Aristotle Kant and Hegel Schelling and Nietzsche and Scheler and Husserl. It covers everything that is essential to a sound understanding of Heidegger s philosophy offering clear explanations of often complex terminology. The Heidegger Dictionary is the ideal resource for anyone reading or studying Heidegger or Modern European Philosophy more generally.

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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